Class Pictures

This is still rather sparse, but it's slowly getting better.  If you're interested in posting current pictures here, please send them to me.  If they've already been scanned, please e-mail the file (JPG files only, please).   If the files are large (500 KB or larger), please send one file per e-mail; my sorry ISP connection doesn't handle large file attachments very well.  If you need them scanned, you can send me the photos and I'll mail them back to you after they're scanned.

Click on the senior picture to see a current picture.


Jeff Bollig Dorcas Counts Darrell Enslinger Craig Faulkner Jon Gilchrist Bill Jacobs
Steve Lungren Paula McRae Christi Pfannenstiel Karen Pfeifer Kelly Pulliam Greg Sechrist
Randy Staab Sandy Staab Anne Wagner Chris Whittington